Our Philosophy
Articles of Incorporation
Stiftung Liebenau was founded in 1873 by an association of Tettnang citizens initiated by Chaplain Adolf Aich. It provides social services, health care and education as a charitable foundation that, according to the wishes of its founders, "is and shall remain an exclusively private institution rooted in the values of Christian charity and brotherly love (...) and shall remain firmly established on the basis of the Roman Catholic Church ... more >
Our Values
Our vision
We help and support people to individually determine and live their own lives and to participate and be included in society.
Our commitment
We are here for the individuals who need our specific help and support.
Christian-Catholic principles
The principles that determine our working practise are fundamental anchored in the teachings of Jesus Christ from the New Testament. His compassion and his interaction with those in need in his time is the measure we use to guide us in our work with the people requiring our support today.
His humanity and his reverence for life is our starting point for respectful and positive dealings with people. Jesus`s relationship to God as the Father of all things leads us to respect and to value all individuals with truth and honesty.
In our thinking and in our actions we try to follow the example Jesus has set for us, as individuals and as an organization.
These guidelines are intended to give The Liebenau Foundation, as a Christian Social Organization, forward momentum and to provide orientation and support for its employees. They do not stand alone, but are to be understood in interaction with each other. None of the statements made can answer all of the questions or difficulties; rather, they represent a frame of reference. It is important to keep returning to them, to weigh them up anew and to search for answers together.
Our Satutes and the three core values of The Liebenau Foundation – Humanity, Professionalism and Economic efficiency – form the roots in which these guidelines are embedded. Our core values alone can create areas of conflict that, depending on the situation and issue at hand, need to be balanced or looked at from all perspectives. These conflicts are part of the reality of The Liebenau Foundation. In this context, The Liebenau Foundation Guidelines are intended to lead and support our actions and serve as a common anchor that provides a Balanced viewpoint of reference.
Our Services – customised, reliable, professional
- We offer support to individuals in our specialized business areas of care and supported living, participation and family, health, education, together with services and products.
- We offer differentiated, tailored and sustainable services of a high professional standard and continuously develop these further in an interdisciplinary manner and in accordance with actual research and development.
- To enable individuals to live with dignity, independence and the greatest possible social participation in the sense of a good quality of life, we design our services to be person- and life-world-oriented, with a tailor-made range of support from prevention and self-help to professional support services.
- We design our services to be community oriented by making the best possible use of neighbourhood resources and the inclusion of people who live locally.
- We network our services and enter into partnerships – even with our “competitors” – to create better combined social values.
- We also provide our services internationally to learn from and with each other in different socio-political systems and cultures.
- We help, where possible, shape society in a socio-political way to influence political developments and framework conditions in the interests of our target groups.
Our Employees – focussed, cooperative, taking responsibility
Our Standpoint – humanitarian, trusting, committed
Our Organisation – prepared for the future, goal-oriented, networker
Our Economic Activities – secure, risk-aware, sustainable
Our Corporate Family – unified, value-oriented, courageous
Our key guide
In our middle – the individual
Developed at the start of the 1990s, these words express our fundamental belief in Christian humanity. This is a strong and open pledge we take to the people in our care. It is also a measure of how highly we value our employees who are also the individuals meant in these words.
Our core values
Our core values
What would the world be without compassion for each other?
What would life be without help and guidance?
What would the day be without willingness to be there?
We are here for the individuals who need our special help and support
We respect their individuality and integrity
We meet them in partnership, reliable and devote
We enable them to decide themselves, how they live, as far as possible
What we do we do in respect of our values
With a deep humanity, based in Christian brotherly love
With sound working knowledge and individual answers
With a sound business, that our work lastingly secures
But also with concerns about us, ourselves, and our needs
In every moment both large and small
To fullfill our commitment
In our middle – the individual
The company logo
Our Responsibility
With the work we do we take on wide-reaching social responsibilities. We react to Ethical and Social political developments, we are networkers and practise sustainable business policies.
The Ethics committee looks at all the ethical aspects of the work we do and how we develop as a business
As a Stiftung we are committed to sustainability. This principle applies to all aspect of what we do socially, economically and environmentally.