(1) The Supervisory Board is made up of between 9 and 15 individuals, three of which should be priests of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
(2) The Supervisory Board elects its own members. Members are elected for a term of five years. Membership ends with a member's death, or when the respective member reaches the age of 75, resigns, or is removed from office as described in paragraph 3.
(3) The Supervisory Board has the right to remove one of its members from office on just and proper grounds, in which case the respective member has the right to be heard.
(4) The members of the Supervisory Board elect the Supervisory Board Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson from among their own number.
(5) The Supervisory Board can draw up rules of procedure for itself. The Supervisory Board has the right to form committees and determines the responsibilities and competencies of such committees. The purpose of such committees is to support the Supervisory Board, in particular in preparing for negotiations and decisions, and to monitor their execution. Those powers and approval requirements of the Supervisory Board described in Section 11 may not be delegated to committees. Committees must inform the Supervisory Board about their activities at regular intervals.
(6) Members of the Supervisory Board are entitled to receive reasonable payment and/or remuneration, the specific amount of which is determined by the Supervisory Board.
(7) Members of the Supervisory Board may be held liable provided there is intent or gross negligence, insofar as this is legally admissible.